If you think someone is using your business name or Employer Identification Number (EIN) to submit fraudulent tax returns or Forms W-2, complete and send to us Form 14039-B, Business Identity Theft AffidavitPDF. This form is for use by businesses, trusts, estates and tax-exempt organizations.
To prevent processing delays, make sure to send us all the requested documents and sign the Form 14039-B.
For a Spanish-language version, see Form 14039-B (SP)PDF.
Do I Need to Use Form 14039-B?
Send us Form 14039-B if you get a:
- Rejection notice for an electronically filed return because we already have a return on file for that same period
- Notice about a tax return that you didn’t file
- Notice about Forms W-2 filed with the Social Security Administration that you didn’t file
- Notice of a balance due that you do not owe
- You get a notice for a business, but you never applied for an EIN
Do not send us Form 14039-B if:
- Your business, estate, trust or exempt organization had a data breach with no tax-related impact to your business.
- For example, a business has a breach of their computer system, but they find no evidence that fraudulent tax returns or Forms W-2 are being filed
See Identity Theft Information for Businesses for details on Form W-2 scams and data theft.