Quick Tips

We know in this industry when you need answers you need them now. CDS Solutions is here to help. Here are our top need to know quick tips.


Helpful Tips on Placing Bids on Contracts

Contract Delivery Service (CDS) mail delivery to roadside receptacles along the line of travel (i.e., box delivery service) is generally purchased through competition by CDS suppliers placing a bid on solicited Contracts.

Solicitations Documents Proposal Instructions

Refer to the CDS Solutions Forms Tab – Solicitations Documents Proposal Instructions – to acquire detailed information on how to successfully complete all forms and provide insight on the Cost Worksheet line items to consider when placing a competitive offer.

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How to Submit a Service Change Request

There are two general types of eSCR — minor service changes and major service changes. They are affected by contract modification.

A minor service change is any change that results in a change in equipment type or termini; an extension; a curtailment; a change in line of travel; or a permanent increase in the frequency or number of trips which, either individually or in combination with previous changes, does not increase by more than 100 percent the mileage required at the beginning of the contract or renewal term. An insignificant minor service change is one that increases the supplier’s rate of pay by no more than $2,500. A significant minor service change is one that increases the supplier’s rate of pay by more than $2,500.

A major service change is any service change other than a minor service change.

CDS Solutions Helpful Tips

Insignificant Minor Service Change

Insignificant minor service changes resulting in increased compensation to the supplier may be ordered by the CO as a unilateral contract modification. They do not require the supplier’s approval. The CO may authorize an equitable increase in compensation at the existing rate or at such other rates as the CO determines to be fair and reasonable. If the supplier considers the amount of increase inequitable, the CO must attempt to negotiate a mutually agreeable increase and incorporate it by contract modification. If time permits, the CO may discuss the change and increase in compensation with the supplier; if an agreement on compensation is reached, the change may be made by contract modification. If agreement cannot be reached, the CO may issue a unilateral contract modification and determine the amount of increased compensation, subject to Clause B-9: Claims and Disputes.

Significant Minor Service Change

Significant minor service changes are made by contract modification, incorporating a price adjustment, with the agreement of the supplier.

Major Service Change

Major service changes are discussed with the supplier and effected by contract modification. The CO must obtain the approval of the manager, Transportation Portfolio, before entering into discussions regarding major service changes. When determining whether or not to recommend or approve the negotiation of a major service change, the purchase/SCM team must take into consideration indemnity liability, the supplier’s experience in operating a service of the scope required, past performance, rate, and any factors that would indicate the proper course of action to take in the best interests of the Postal Service. When a major service change is not approved by the manager, Transportation Portfolio, the old service may be terminated and the new service purchased.

Other Surface Contracts and Air Contracts

Service changes for contracts other than those discussed in above may be made, consistent with the terms of the contract, provided that these changes do not:

  • Alter the original intent of the contract; or
  • Transform the service into an entirely new service.

Tips on How to Request an Service Change Request (eSCR)

When a supplier has experience increased contract time over the original contracted daily hours or any adjustments to the original contracted Line-Of-Travel a Route Evaluation and eSCR should be requested in writing to the local Postmaster/Administrative Official of the contract.

Maintain accurate PS Form 5399 Contract Route Performance Record – “Time sheet”

  • In order to request an accurate adjustment, CDS suppliers and or their employees should report to the office at the contract Scheduled start time.
  • Accurately record Start time, Leave for street time and End time.
  • From the information recorded on the PS Form 5399, calculate the new daily avg. time that it is taking to provide the service. Calculate daily avg. by going back 3-6 months of PS Forms 5399’s. This all depends on when the supplier began experiencing the significant changes in the daily hours it has taken to provide the required service.
  • In WRITING via the email, inform the local Postmaster/Administrative Official of your official request to have a Route Adjustment be performed to compensate you for the increase in time that it is taking over the original contract time to process and delivery due to the increase in parcel deliveries.
  • Provide the new daily avg. time and attach the 3-6 months of PS Form 5399’s that the new daily avg. time was calculated.
  • Request that upon review the eSCR be submitted being back dated for a retro payment date of______. (date depends on your findings) If it is a new contract and it’s been this way since day 1, then request the day 1 of contract date, only if service was provided by an experienced carrier.
  • If you receive no response, send a follow up email on the same email thread. Ask when this Route Evaluation will be completed and submitted.
  • If you receive no response, delay or a refusal by the local Postmaster/Administrative Official, submit the information in the same email thread of the previous 2 emails to the CDS Office and include the Postmaster/ Administrative Official in the email. Request the CDS office (in Bold Print) to have emails Please forward to Postal Operations.
  • If the Service Change Request is for a change in the Line-Of-Travel, then a detail description needs to be submitted in the line items of the contract Line-Of-Travel. Include the (+ or -) adjustment of the miles and the date the change began.
  • Same follow up procedures, as above, apply.

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Learn How To Submit Extra Trips for Payment

Exceptional service is additional service to perform scheduled or backup route operations (such as extra trips, detour miles, and additional equipment). Exceptional service may be required only when an unanticipated increase in mail volume or other conditions arise that require the performance of additional service or equipment.

Whenever feasible, COs should hold discussions or negotiations with suppliers to establish the rate to be paid for exceptional service before its performance. When discussions or negotiations in advance would delay the mail or otherwise not be feasible, the CO or a designated representative may order the supplier to perform such service at pro-rata pay.

CDS Solutions Tips on Extra Trip Process

Refer Handbooks Tab – Management Instructions Highway contract route Late Slip Reconciliation and Payment – to acquire detailed information on how to successfully acquire and submit forms. Refer to Forms Tab – Extra Trips.

  • Supplier must provide the required size vehicle in order to be compensated for providing extra service.
  • A PS Form 5397 Contract route Extra Trip Authorization must be presented to supplier prior to performing the extra service.
  • An Extra Trip occurs when a a supplier is released from office to deliver on the contracted Line-Of- Travel and is required to return back to office to collect additional mail pieces or after completing the Line-Of Travel is required to return to the Line-Of-Travel to deliver additional mail pieces.
  • Supplier on route that returns to the office to pick up additional mail pieces. Mileage is recorded from the point in which supplier ceased routine delivering on Line-Of-Travel, back to postal facility and then until supplier returns the point to resume regular daily delivery service. If such providing the extra trip service places the supplier over the schedule daily contract time, time is included on the form. Provide detailed information in the remarks section of the form.
  • Once a supplier completes the contracted Line-Of-Travel, the supplier has met the obligation of the contract for that day, no matter what time they return to the office. If supplier is then required to provide additional delivery service then a PS Form 5397 must be provided prior to returning to the street. If a PS Form 5397 is not provided, the supplier has no obligation to the Postal Service to make the additional deliveries.

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Learn to Submit Late Slips

These claims are created when an origin facility delays a HCR trip past t’s scheduled departure time. When a delay is caused by the Postal Service, the origin issues a PS Form 5466 Late Slip, to the driver.

Tips on How to Request a Late Slip

Refer Handbooks Tab – Management Instructions Highway contract route Late Slip Reconciliation and Payment – to acquire detailed information on how to successfully acquire and submit forms.

  • Report to office at the contract Schedule contract time.
  • Record Start time of the PS Form 5399
  • A Late Slip will only be issued if the delay is postal generated.
  • If the delay is postal generated and it is time for supplier to depart for the street per the Scheduled Lv contract time and the supplier is requested to remain at office, then the supplier can request a Late Slip.
  • If a supplier is requested to remain at office and is refused a Late Slip, the supplier has the right to leave the office with the mail and parcels that have been provided. Upon returning to the office by either a request while on the route or after completing the Line-Of-Travel for the day, the supplier will be required to return back to the street to make the additional delivers, only after receiving a PS form 5397 Contract Route Extra Trip Authorization prior to returning to the street to make the additional deliveries.
  • If issues persist, contact the CDS office and request the CDS office (in Bold Print) Please forward to Postal Operations.
  • NOTE: Late slips are null and void, when a supplier is held past Lv contract time and returns to office prior to End contract time.

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Helpful tips renewing your contract

Towards the end of each contract term the CDS office sends out a PS Form 7445 Inquiry Concerning Renewal Of Transportation Services Contract to the supplier.

The form states that the contract for the route shown expires as indicated. This form is sent only to determine whether or not you are interested in renewing your contract and to obtain information necessary in connection with the renewal. It is not to be considered as an offer by this office to renew the contract.

Tips on Renewal Process

Refer Handbooks Tab – Management Instructions Highway contract route Late Slip Reconciliation and Payment – to acquire detailed information on how to successfully acquire and submit forms.
Refer to Forms Tab – Contract Renewal Documents.

  • Renewal rates are negotiable within reason.
  • On Day 1 of the renewed contract, contact the CDS office and request the latest Wage Determination up date that coincides with Day 1 of the renewed contract. (ST, H&W, Va. and Holiday)
  • If this contract is renewed for a term exceeding two years, a new wage determination will be applicable every two years from day 1 of the renewed contract.
  • CPI’s can be requested the beginning of the 7th month after the effective date of a renewal contract.

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