New Supplier, New Contract Pre Day 1 Checklist
Whether you are a first time Contract Delivery Service (CDS) supplier or a veteran of the industry, beginning a new contract can be very overwhelming. Here are a few “Helpful Tips” that can be performed prior to Day 1 of the contract to assist you in a smoother transition into your new route.

Contact Local Administrative Official/Postmaster Of The Contract
It’s important to touch base with your Local Administrative Official and or the Postmaster Of The Contract before your first day of service. Other than introductions, it gives you a chance to exchange information and ask the questions you have before you are on the job. View all our recommended steps below…
Questions to Ask...
- Contact local Administrative Official/Postmaster and introduce yourself.
- Exchange contact information (email/phone), especially after hours emergency phone numbers
- Ask specific questions such as:
- Is the line-of-travel correct in the solicitation package and Edit Book.
- Is the Edit book up to date? When was it last updated? (see website instructions)
- Does the mail sorting case have updated address labels? If not, ask for new labels to be printed.
- What % of deliveries are on highway/maintained and unmaintained roads, to prepare vehicle.
- On avg. how many parcels does this route receive daily.
- Will the current supplier be willing to train or allow to ride a long or follow on the line of travel.
** Very beneficial to get the lay of the land, hidden boxes, specific customer information regarding their deliveries.\
- Request a copy of the Edit book line-of-travel sequence of address’s to be used to familiarize
oneself to the route prior to Day 1 of contract.
Drive Your Line Of Travel
Driving your line of travel BEFORE day one is crucial to your success. Learn the lay of the land, find hidden boxes or just map out your route. You’ll want to be prepared!
Take Notes...
- Get yourself familiar with the Line-of-Travel provided in the solicitation and award package.
- Is the mileage correct in comparison to the line-of-travel mileage solicited for the contract?
Locate Route Boxes
Locating your route boxes can be challenging. To avoid any delays and surprises locate all your boxes prior to day one.
Watch for...
- Drive the line-of-travel and locate all boxes. (Edit book line-of-travel sequence of address’s)
- If unable to locate box contact AO/PM
- Are the boxes correctly numbered?
- Are any boxes in need of repair? Document by photo and address and discuss with AO/PM.
- Are any boxes obstructed or set off from the original line-of-travel?
Setting Up Mail Sorting Case
The last thing you want to do on your first day is setup your mail sorting case. Take these steps to make sure you are fully prepared for day one of service.
Check for...
- Per initial conversation with AO/PM if case address labels have not been updated, ask for a new set.
- The afternoon prior to Day 1 of start of contract, ask AO/PM if you can enter the building after current contractor has left the building to set up and familiarize yourself with the case.
- Attach index card to the beginning of each row listing the street name(s) in order of delivery for that row on case. Some street names may be listed multiple times on same row.
- This is very helpful when trying to locate the address cell for one piece of raw or miss sorted mail that you are having difficulties locating.
- Highlight mail slot cells that have identical address numbers. (111 Main St., 111 Plum St.)
- This helps eliminate the possibility of a miss delivery.
- Post a listing of most used postal acronyms to be used by local office when marking mail
- Local officials will provide instruction where to place out going, return and non delivered mail.
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